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A 33-day Program for Mind-Body-Breath 


Follow along with Neil as your guide on this 33-day program to reset your mental state using breathwork and integrated mind-body practices. THE RESET will help you increase focus, ease anxiety, and develop balance in your mental state. By taking it upon yourself to improve simple things like your breath and self-talk you are making a sincere difference to your personal life trajectory and in doing so, changing the world. 




  • Mind-Body-Breath Reset Guide (20+page PDF)- This guide provides the roadmap for overhauling your life in just 33 days. Neil gives daily action based in breath work and integrated mind-body practices that build upon each other to create lasting habits.

  • Associated education embedded in the guide, you'll get exclusive YouTube videos, blog posts, and external resources carefully curated to complement your mind-body journey.


  • Interactive Tracking Worksheet the included Mind-Body-Breath Tracker lays out how to keep a log of your daily progress as you move through the program.

  • Discounts on Neil's in-person bodywork and integrated mindfulness sessions at the Facility​.


MAIN FOCUS: The three main goals of THE RESET are to learn to breathe better, discover enjoyable mindfulness tools to optimize your nervous system, and to feel more in-tune and liberated with your body. Learning the principles of MOVEMENT ECONOMY will help you build a better foundation of stability as you begin to improve your aerobic threshold. Without proper training and alignment, we lose energy FASTER and more quickly get fatigued.



THE RESET- Info Video.


THE RESET: 33 Day Mind-Body-Breath Program

  • I can’t meditate, My mind is all over the place... ? The mind naturally wanders and creates ideas, scenarios, images etc. This is usually experienced whenever we bring awareness to what is happening within. This is okay and “normal”. The goal isn’t to force stillness and rid thinking, but rather notice and allow space between you and your thoughts. What is important is not that you reach a certain state during meditation, but rather commitment with a sense of open-mind and heartfulness, non-judgmentally coming back to breath/presence as often as needed.

    What if I miss a day or get off schedule? This program will look different for everyone. It is designed to start with Day 1, and advance days once you have consistently integrated each progressive day. Flexibility is necessary to reach the long-term “success”, and we must steadily check-in with balance between initiating effort and allowing adaptability. 

    Does this require or conflict with religious viewpoints or lifestyle? Definitely not! Whether you are religious or not, or somewhere in between or undecided, this program can integrate into your way of life. This doesn’t require any particular beliefs. If you do believe that this program will benefit you, then it will likely have more benefits but either way this is certainly not required. Openness to the possibility of improvement, and effort are the only requirements.. 

    I don't know if I have time for all this...? If you’ve read this far you definitely are still open to investing into change. Start with day one and make your way forward as you build each progressive habit (or at least give it a sincere effort).You will also realize that many of these things require ZERO additional time into your day!

    Is there in-person support? This is a self-directed program with interactive links and worksheets. However, if you purchase the program you are entitled to discounts for individual mindfulness coaching or bodywork sessions with Neil at The Facility. 

  • Meet Neil, Certified Mindfulness Coach, Massage Therapist, and Self-Development Enthusiast .. who has created this program with you in mind. Yes, YOU, the too-busy-to-take-on-more, overwhelmed, overworked, stressed-out individual who just needs someone to remind them to S L O W D O W N and appreciate where they are. If you have specific questions about mindfulness, or want to book a one-on-one session, reach out to the team at The Facility. 

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